December Update: President

Wednesday 18-12-2024 - 11:35
Lily dec picture

Hello everyone!

Lily here, your CSU President, and today I am bringing you your officer round up for December. What a month it has been! I think we have all been waiting for this much-needed break following a busy term. Just because we are near the end doesn’t mean we have been quiet here at CSU, in fact, it hasn’t stopped here. So, what have we been up to? 

As an executive team, we kicked off the month by attending a conference at John Moores Students’ Union that brough all the Northwest student unions together to discuss the topics and issues student unions are facing. It was lovely for us all to be in one space and talk about what we are all advocating for. As officers we walked away with lots of big ideas that we can’t wait to bring to you! 

We also launched our new Student Sustainability Outreach Representative role this month. If you didn’t see me running around the garden quarter on social media, definitely go check it out for a little giggle. Applications are now closed but this is a fantastic opportunity that allows students to work directly in their community to tackle issues around waste management. The job is supported through the local council so keep your eyes peeled as to the amazing work they will be doing in the coming year and seeing how you can get involved.

We have been busy with events this month with Summer hosting 2 events: our CSU Board game night and the infamous Christmas Quiz. We hope you are loving our events as much as we are! We went along to Warrington and Birkenhead to sprinkle some Christmas cheer and of course I had my Lily’s Pad event where we got together to decorate Gingerbread men and sing along to Christmas music - it was a beautiful afternoon so thank you to everyone for attending, I hope you are all feeling festive now! The next Lily’s Pad event is “BIG FAT QUIZ OF THE YEAR” so keep an eye out on how you can win some fantastic prizes.

Adedayo headed up our SVR training with our Student Voice Co-ordinator Noah. Thank you to everyone who attended the session, it can be a lot of information to take in, but we aim to arm you with everything you need to bring about change in your department. If you ever have any questions, reach out to the team who can support you in your role as a SVR.

As a trio we attended Senate. This is a meeting held with University staff where we report what we have been up to, and we hear about what the plans of the University are. It is a chance to advocate for changes you want to see, such as easier access to lockers and more social spaces. We are listening to what you want, so keep us in the loop about what you want your university experience to look like.

Summer joined me and my co-host on the Student Experience podcast to talk about all the things you can get up to on and off campus in Chester over the Christmas break. There is lots to do here in Chester over the break if you are staying so check out our social media @CSUOFFICERTEAM to see what you can do!

We of course haven’t stopped there! We have represented your voice at many committees around sustainability, student engagement, academic governance, and more. This helps us get the whole picture as to what is going on in your student experience and how it affects you. 

I also thought as this term comes to an end, I want to shout out some of the wins we have had this term as officers:

- Free STI testing kits now available in CSU

- We offered free self-defence classes as part of my consent campaign.

- Produced some fabulous social media content (if we do say so ourselves 😉)

- Got you new microwaves in the Binks Building

- Established our Student Voice Partners system

This is just a quick overview of what we have been up to. We hope you have the best time on this break, and we look forward to welcoming you back in January along with some new students that will join us. Keep an eye on our insta - @CSUOFFICERTEAM to stay up to date with everything we do! 

Thanks, Lily



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