Category: Union Democracy
We've passed on your suggestion to the catering team!
To preface, I am a staunch enjoyer of sausage rolls.
Particularly, the ones at the Binks cafe at the Exton Park Campus. And after my lectures, the one thing I enjoy the most is coming to the Binks cafe to buy myself a good, proper sausage roll (with VAT not applied when showing your Student ID). So, when I happen to have lectures that let me leave at times like late into the afternoon, or even around standard lunch time, I- like many other students- will head to the cafe in search of one of those exceptional sausage rolls.
But what makes me so crestfallen, so absolutely crushed, is to find that- my goodness, where are the sausage rolls? They're all sold out! All I'm left with are the vegan sausage rolls (which, whilst I have nothing against them, are not for me), and I feel that is not okay. What this idea is, is to ensure that there are even more sausage rolls on offer. I've tried the other options, those turnovers are lovely and I enjoy the potato dogs, but if reducing them means more sausage rolls then that's how it must be.
If you agree with this stance, that there should be more sausage rolls in the Binks cafe, are yourself an enjoyer of sausage rolls, or just want to see if this idea will actually see something done, then please do rate this with a thumbs up and share it with all your friends, family, acquaintances, pets, and even strangers in the street.
Thank you,
-The Sausage Roll Enjoyer
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