I would like to stand for the role of Mature and Caregiver Students' Officer, as l am passionate about improving conditions for mature students and students in caregiving roles across the university. I have been a student at the University of Chester for eight years and am currently studying for a Masters in Museum and Heritage Practice, l also sit on the Mature Students' Society Committee, in the role of Secretary/Treasurer. As a mature student myself, and a carer for my mother-in-law for several years, l understand the daily challenges faced by mature students, with or without families, and those students who are also carers; it can be extremely demanding juggling multiple roles whilst completing your studies.
As the Mature and Caregiver Students' Officer, l would work hard to represent all mature students and caregivers, to ensure that your voices are heard, raising any issues that affect YOU at the student council, As a large part of the student body, l believe mature students and student/carers should receive full and proper representation, and I am passionate about the issues that affect YOU. I am committed to making your time at university a happy and successful one.