What is Student Council?

Student Council is CSU's student decision-making body. It is where your ideas and motions are discussed, debated, and voted on, which helps to lead the direction of the Union and your Elected Officers. 

It has three functions:

  1. Setting and supporting the campaign priorities for CSU
  2. Scrutinising and supporting your Elected Officers in achieving the change set out in their manifestos
  3. Establishing policy that enables the student voice to be clearly heard

Want to get involved with Student Council?

We hold elections for Council during the Spring term, and By-Elections in the Autumn term - keep an eye out on your emails, our website and our social media for the announcement!

  • Black Students' Officer
  • Asian, Arab & Ethnic Minority Students' Officer
  • Women's Officer
  • LGBTQ+ Students' Officer
  • Trans, Non-binary, Intersex & Gender Diversity Students' Officer
  • Disabled Students' Officer
  • Commuting Students' Officer
  • Neurodivergent Students' Officer
  • International Students' Officer
  • Mature & Parents Students' Officer
  • Commuting Students Officer
  • UCW Students' Officer
  • UCB Students' Officer
  • Environment & Ethics Officer
  • Opened up conversations about gendered sports teams and transgender inclusion in BUCS 
  • Ratified Student Trustees
  • Ratified Trustee Board
  • Got involved in Lily's Consent campaign
  • Voted for CSU to hold a cultural exchange festival in Spring
  • Discussed creating a Pride event on campus
  • Renamed Student Council to Union Assembly (for next academic year)
  • Attended University committees like SVEC and Sustainability
  • Made sure commuting students have reserved lockers in Seaborne library
  • Ratified the development grant and proud to be fund process

Student Council Officers 👇