Category: Teaching
We took this idea to Student Council and have made plans to work with our Visible & Invisible Disabilities Reps and the Careers service to run a campaign in Spring/Summer 2021 - we'll post all the updates on our website so stay tuned!
Once everything is up and running regarding the Freshers Fair and everyone has settled into uni life, I would like to run a campaign regarding the misconception that students with disabilities cannot work. We can work, we can study, we can be social, reasonable adjustments may need to be put in place, if necessary, (Equality Act 2010). We want everyone to be aware of this.
I am thinking of T-shirts being made for a group that want to get involved, posters being put up around the uni and potentially a talk with disability and inclusion/volunteering/careers and employability in discussing how we can help students with disabilities transition in to the world of work, ensuring job interviews are made accessible for our students and that reasonable adjustments are being made. As well as awareness of the access to work grant scheme.
Nearly half (49 per cent) of people with a learning disability or difficulty in Great Britain have no qualifications. This could be down to the stigma that people with learning disabilities cannot study, when actually it's just adapting a lesson plan to make it accessible for that individual. lets change that percentage.
At the age of 26, disabled people in the UK are four times more likely to be out of work or not in education compared to non-disabled people
Access to work can pay 100 per cent of costs if applied for in the first six weeks of an individual’s employment and can fund eligible costs up to £59,200 (2019/20). Yet nobody knows about the access to work scheme.
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