The 1839 Awards 2025

What are The 1839 Awards?

The annual 1839 Awards are designed to celebrate the amazing acheivements of exceptional students and staff members in contributing to the student life experience at the University of Chester.

SVR of the Year

The winner of this award will be the Student Voice Representative (SVR) who has been recognised for their commitment to the Student Voice Representation programme, for being a positive role model to their peers, and for driving positive change within their course and/or department. They should be actively engaged in being an SVR for their course.

Nominate here.

Student Leader of the Year

The winner of this award will be either a CSU Student Council member, Student Voice Partner or a Student Trustee who has been recognised for their commitment to the student body and/or groups they represent. They will be a positive role model to their peers and drive positive change within the University.

Nominate here.

Student Staff of the Year

The winner of this award will be a student staff member who consistently goes above and beyond, demonstrating exceptional commitment and passion in their role. Their efforts not only fulfil their job requirements but also create a positive and lasting impact on the student community. Nominees for this award will include (but is not limited to) CSU’s Front of House student staff, UoC’s bar student staff, the AU's Sports & Active Lifestyle student staff, and UoC's Student Ambassadors.

Nominate here.

Student of the Year

The winner of this award will be a student who has truly gone above and beyond - someone who leads by example, inspires those around them, and consistently strives for excellence. Whether through academic achievement, leadership, or dedication to making student life better, this individual has made an impact.

Nominate here.

Special Recognition Award

The winner of this award will be a student who may not fit into the other categories, but still demonstrates outstanding talent at university. This award aims to celebrate a student who has shown incredible resilience, determination, and courage in the face of adversity. They may have made a positive impact on their peers, university life, or the wider community. Whether overcoming hardship, breaking barriers, or supporting others, this student embodies strength and perseverance.

Nominate here.

Wellbeing Advocate of the Year

The winner of this award will advocate for wellbeing and welfare within the University and Chester Students’ Union. This could be an individual or a service at the University which has gone the extra mile to help students' wellbeing needs.

Nominate here.

Equality and Diversity Advocate of the Year

The winner of this award will advocate for equality and diversity within the University and Chester Students’ Union. This could be an individual or a service at the University which has gone the extra mile to promote equality and diversity. They will have allowed students to demonstrate their abilities and encouraged them to develop on their student journey.

Nominate here.

Lecturer of the Year

The winner of this award will be an exceptional lecturer, as voted for by their students. They may encourage their students to study outside of the set curriculum and help foster critical thinking skills for their students. This could be through their extensive subject knowledge, engaging teaching style, challenging perspectives, or simply their passion for teaching.

Nominate here.

PAT of the Year

The winner of this award will be an outstanding Personal Academic Tutor, as voted for by their students. Students will have recognised this staff member for being dedicated to their role and providing invaluable support, insight, and time for students.

Nominate here.

Inspirational Educator of the Year

The winner of this award is not necessarily your lecturer or PAT, and could be an educator in another form, for example: ASK, the library team, LIS staff, another academic who doesn’t directly teach you or even someone who has provided training or other learning opportunities.

Nominate here.

Professional Services Staff of the Year – Student nominated

The winner of this award will be an exceptional Professional Services staff member who will have enhanced the student experience outside of the classroom. This award recognises that the student experience is so much more than the academic side of the experience, and members of University support departments can play a huge role in this. Nominees for this award will include (but is not limited to) Domestic Service staff, Catering staff, Careers and Employability, CSU staff, AU staff, Technicians, LIS staff and Student Services staff.

Nominate here.

Professional Services Staff of the Year – Staff nominated

The winner of this award will be an exceptional Professional Services staff member, as voted for by staff, who has stood out to their peers over the past year. This could be through supporting others, overcoming adverse circumstances, and producing successful outputs.

Nominate here.

Postgraduate Supervisor of the Year

The winner of this award will be an exceptional postgraduate supervisor, as voted for by their students. They will have gone above and beyond to guide their students and support them on their academic journey.

Nominate here.