Speak Week

It’s Speak Week at CSU, which means we’ll be encouraging you to talk about important topics - look out for our bright pink gazebo on Exton Park and Queens Park (filled with free hot chocolate, of course), and watch out for us roaming around your campus! We will be asking you to fill in a quick survey for us, and you could win a £100 voucher just by answering a few questions!

This time, we’re focusing on what YOU want to see from CSU next! 

How to get involved

All you need to do is fill in a quick survey!

Study on one of our Chester campuses? Use this link to fill in the survey.

Birkenhead student? Use this link to fill in the survey.

Warrington student? Use this link to fill in the survey.

At the end of the survey, you'll also get a chance to get involved in our focus groups, which means you'll be included in deeper discussions about CSU's plans.

What next?

Make sure to follow us on Instagram - @chesterstudentsunion - we'll be sharing some results with you after the survey closes. We'll also be using your survey answers to inform how CSU develops, so you'll be able to see the change YOU want to make in real time!