Re-submission dates and visa concerns

Wednesday 04-12-2024 - 17:00
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Over the past few weeks, we have been made aware that some international students may be facing a diffiicult time, due to the re-submission dates for assessments falling after study visa expiry dates. We hope to provide some guidance on this matter in this article. 

These re-submission dates are then having the affect that students are not able to apply for a graduate visa, otherwise known as a Post-Studies Working Visa (PSW) 

We have been asked two main questions surrounding this issue: 

1.    Can the university change my re-submission deadline?

The simple answer to this is no. Re-submission deadlines are set in advance of the academic year, which allows the university staff to plan their teaching and their time, as they have deadlines to mark the re-submissions.

2.    What shall I do regarding my Visa?

To answer this question, it is important to highlight that, here at CSU Advice, we are not in the position to provide advice around visas as we are not legally trained. Our recommendation would be to contact someone that is qualified in providing visa advice. This could be an immigration lawyer or charity. 


Visa rules are set by the UK government which means that the university is obliged to follow those rules. 

If you are not in this situation currently but can foresee this being an issue for you in the future, then our best advice is to try and pass your work on the 1st or 2nd attempt, this would negate this situation occurring. Seek support from your PAT, AsK (study Skills) and make use of extensions if need be so that you give yourself the best chance of passing your work 1st time around. 

CSU Advice Team 


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